Thursday, July 22, 2010

a gamut of feelings

On Tuesday I left directly from working a 10 hour shift to drive to Chicago, which is a three hour trip from our house. My parents live in that area, which is fortunate because it will allow us to save on expenses (hotel and food) when we have to travel down there for our cycle. Plus, I grew up in the area so the familiarity is nice to have.

My appointment was on Wednesday morning bright and early. I drank my water (30 plus ounces) and made my way to the office. I was not uncomfortable bladder wise until they had me place my legs up in stirrups and, well, the "breeze" increased my urge to empty it. Thankfully, I was able to hold it and nobody got peed on. The hyster.oscopy was different from what I expected. I did not realize they would be forcing water up my ute and the cramping was definitely uncomfortable. It was interesting to actually see the inside of my uterus--they had a video screen just for me! The doc nearly gave me an anxiety attack when he told me that I may have a septum. After having both a lap and about a million ultrasounds, I would hope that if I had one, someone else would have said something. Thankfully they immediately did an ultrasound while the water was still in there and everything looks normal. Woot! My antral follicle count was exactly the same as last time--26--I had 11 on the left and 15 on the right. My righty is usually the star performer anyways, so I was not surprised with those results. They did not tell me what my lining was, but it must have been fine. When we met with the nurse I asked if they had the results of my AMH test and it was slightly below normal, 0.9, I then proceeded to nearly have another panic attack. GAH! The nurse said that it is still a new test, so they have no guarantees on what the results mean, so I shouldn't worry. She also said my FSH (6.4) and antral count (26) do not match the AMH results, so it may not mean anything for me that it is slightly low (normal is 1.0 and above). The doctor, however, could deny our application for the shared risk program based on my number. It was all I could think about until I got the chance to speak with MBL on the phone. He put me at ease. The nurse call me less than three hours later to tell me that the doctor isn't worried about my AMH and that as long as my nicotine screen comes back negative (never ever smoked, so it should), we are officially allowed to pay our doctor $16,000. WOO HOO! You wouldn't think the idea of spending that kind of money would make me so happy, but it does :).

I start lup.ron on the 28th. I didn't get a true positive OPK until Tuesday night...which was good because MBL and I had unprotected "relations" Thursday night and if it had been positive on Saturday we would have risked something happening, which for only the second time in 19 months, we do not want to happen. My med order is on its way and there are needles in our house again!! I. am. geeked.


  1. I adore reading your posts! I love that you're so excited and it makes me excited. We're anxiously awaiting AF to arrive from a Prometrium induced state to use Clomid and hopefully Ovidrel for our very first IUI in August. It gives me such hope and joy reading posts like yours and knowing we're all going through this together. PS: our clinic, while not 3 hours away is a good hour and 45 min away from us too.

  2. I hate those procedures where you have to have a full bladder, it's the same for embryo transfer! Not comfortable in the slightest! We are also going to be doing a 3 cycles and a baby to take home or 70% of your money back deal with our clinic in NZ if this next cycle fails (we get two free in NZ and then it's up to you and it's EXPENSIVE! $13k for one or $25k for 3. The flipside is that you forfeit the rest of the cash if you get preggers first go. All the best!! I will be watching and following in eager anticipation! :-)

  3. Full bladder procedures are the absolute, positive worst! I bet a man came up with the concept. GRRR...

    So glad that you're excited about what's coming up! I'm sending you all the positive vibes I can!

  4. I am so excited for you! I haven't had a full bladder procedure in ages, and it was with a cath. I almost killed the guy. Good luck!!!!!

  5. How exciting!

    question: I tried googling nicotine screening for ivf and came up with nothing. Do you mind explaining this test a bit for me and why you have to have it? Is it just extra testing required for the shared risk program? (shame on me, I used to be an off and on smoker, but not since ttc) Thanks!

  6. Visting from ICLW... wishing you luck on your upcoming cycle. I've learned not to drink as much as they say. :P It can be very uncomfortable though, I agree!

  7. Stopping by from ICLW. Best wishes on your cycle. I love Chicago. At least it's a cool city with family if you've got to be away from home to cycle.

    Take care!
